💧日本 北海道黑皮栗子南瓜 Japan Hokkaido Butternut Kabocha Pumpkin



每個約2kg each * 切開了的南瓜會從種子部分開始腐壞,所以切開後先把南瓜核弄乾淨,再用保鮮紙包起放雪櫃 黑皮栗子南瓜特徵是極深綠色的皮和深黃色的果肉,果肉密度高而粉嫩幼滑,像栗子一樣甜,味道濃郁,是日本流通量最多的南瓜。 南瓜含有大量在體內轉化為維他命A的β胡蘿蔔素,胡蘿蔔素在皮部分比果實中含有更多,所以最好連皮一起吃。 * Cut opened pumpkins will begin to rot from the seeds, so after cutting open, remove the seeds and wrap up with plastic before putting them in the fridge Black-skinned butternut pumpkin has extremely dark green skin and deeper orange pulp, characterised by its extra sweetness and richness. The most popular kind of pumpkins in Japan. Pumpkins contain large amount of beta-carotene, which will be converted to vitamin A in the body. Most of its carotene is present in the skin than inside the pumpkin, therefore it is best to eat with the skin.
