💧日本 高知県小青椒 Japan Shishito Mini Green Peppers



每盒50g per box 原產南美的辣椒被歸類為辣種和無辣種,高知縣小辣椒是甜辣椒的種類。辣椒在成長中如果受到極乾燥等強烈壓力的話會變得很辣,被認為是防衛本能之一。 小青椒雖然是甜味種,但仍是含有辣椒中的 “辣椒素” 基因,可以促進脂肪燃燒和血液循環的效果。只是在種植過程中,氣溫達25度以上的話辣味成分會急劇增加。辛辣的辣椒大多是生長得歪歪曲曲,相反,在成長過程中沒受到壓力的話,青椒形狀會比較筆直而且不辣。 小青椒含豐富維他命A、C、E,都是具有抗氧化作用的維他命,保護身體產生對活性氧的影響,抑制氧化油質產生的有害物質,預防動脈硬化、腦梗塞、心臟病等。 而小青椒內含的β胡蘿蔔素用油煮的話吸收率會提高,所以推薦天婦羅、加油炒、烤焗等等。造天婦羅或油炸時,為防止青椒效大範圍破裂,可用牙籤或叉尖打幾個洞。 Shishito peppers native to South America have spicy and non-spicy types. Japan shishito peppers are the sweet non spicy type. Peppers tend to become spicy when they are under pressure such as extreme dryness during growing period, this is their self defence instinct. Although shishito green pepper is the sweet species, it still contains the gene which promotes fat burning and blood circulation. It's just that during growth, if the temperature reaches higher than 25°c, spiciness will increase sharply. Most of spicy peppers has crooked shape due to extreme environment pressure. On the contrary, if they are not under pressure during growth, peppers will be relatively straight and not spicy. Shishito peppers are rich in vitamins A, C and E, all of which are vitamins with antioxidating effects, protect human body from the impact on reactive oxygen, inhibit harmful substances produced by oxidised oil, and prevent atherosclerosis, cerebral infarction, heart disease, etc. It’s also worth noting that the absorption rate of beta carotene contained in shishito peppers will be increased when cooked with oil, therefore tempura, stir-frying, roasting with oil etc. are recommended.
