💧立陶宛 野生金黃雞油菌 Lithuania Chanterelle Girolle Mushrooms

重量 Weight



200g / 500g 雞油菌在歐洲飲食文化中,與牛肝菌及羊肚菌一樣,同被尊為彌足珍貴的菌類食材之一。每年夏天至秋天時,採菇人就得在歐洲各地的針葉林中到處找尋雞油菌。 新鮮的雞油菌散發着杏桃的果香味道,煮熟後,帶幽香木質泥土味及淡淡胡椒味,而且具柔滑口感。由於其細膩風味,基本上以任何方式烹調都能煮出美味菜式,能將您的菜餚提升水平,因此深受各大廚的追捧愛戴。 營養方面,雞油菌含大量維他命D2,幫助吸收鈣質。對素食人士來說,雞油菌蛋白質豐富,可作為肉類替代品,以維持新陳代謝作用需要的胺基酸。另外,內含的維他命A對免疫系統及視覺非常有益,鉀、鐵、鉻等礦物質含量比其他食材更高。 Discover the Extraordinary Flavour of Girolle Mushrooms! Girolles, also known as winter chanterelles, are one of the most prized wild mushrooms. These wild mushrooms grace our tables with their presence, ready to elevate your dishes to unparalleled levels of gastronomic delight. Chanterelles have a herby and slightly peppery flavour, an aroma that evokes hints of succulent apricots. They’re ideal for making sauces, are also excellent in meat dishes, especially game. Whether sautéed to perfection, roasted for a crispy texture or incorporated into hearty stews, Girolles consistently deliver an unmatched gustatory experience that leaves a lasting impression. One harmonious pairing food is with griddled scallops – the subtle sweetness of the scallops resonates with the fruity undertones of the Girolles, creating a synergy that is nothing short of extraordinary. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast, a seasoned chef or someone who simply appreciates the finer things in life, these wild mushrooms promise an adventure of flavours that is both enchanting and unforgettable.
