💧荷蘭 翠肉瓜 Holland Courgette Zucchini



每份兩條約700g per 2pcs 意式翠肉瓜又稱意青瓜、櫛瓜,屬於黃瓜、南瓜類,是其中最受歡迎之一,用途廣泛,肉質柔軟且易於烹煮。意式翠肉瓜不需要去皮。 將之切片,可生吃。 如用水煮只需非常短時間,否則煮太久會變糊狀並失去味道。也可以嫩烤至中心變軟,或醃製。加肉片、肉碎炒,放咖哩中享用也不錯。 Zucchini, also called courgette, is a variety of cucumber, squash and melon. It's one of the most popular vegetables in the squash family, being extremely versatile, tender and easy to cook. Zucchini don't need peeling. Slice off each end and prepare as the recipe directs. They can be sliced thinly and eaten raw. It's best not to boil them too long as they become mushy and lose their flavour. You can also roast them until tender and lightly golden to intensify their favour, or marinate and BBQ or griddle until charred and soft. Enjoy them in a stir-fry, curry or fried in a light batter.
