♻️澳洲 全天然走地雞湯 Australia Stock Merchant Free Range Chicken Broth



每包500g per pack * 只需加熱即可食用,可加入一小撮鹽調味 * 只來自走地、天然牧場飼養或草飼動物 * 絕對不使用抗生素或生長激素 * 不含蔬菜作為填充配料,適合直接飲用或作一般食譜的基本 * 不加蒜頭或洋蔥,適合患有腸道易激綜合症或奉行低腹鳴飲食的人士 * 不含防腐劑、添加劑、麩質 以正宗的方式製作,不含蔬菜,是一種非常神奇的食療——含豐富脯氨酸和甘氨酸等氨基酸,含人體必需的脂肪和礦物質、高蛋白質,能抗炎、增強免疫力、改善腸道健康。 製作湯需要已特別挑選的蔬菜和香草連同骨頭燉煮10小時,再將之濃縮,最後形成味道具深度的純正雞湯。除了作為任何菜式的湯底,也適合製作意大利燉飯、炆煮各樣菜式。 成份: 水、走地全雞和雞骨、洋蔥、紅蘿蔔、西芹、迷迭香提取物(天然抗氧化劑)、月桂葉 * Ready to drink, simply heat and serve, adding a pinch of salt for flavour * Only source from free range, pasture raised and grass fed animals * Absolutely no antibiotics or growth hormones are used * With no vegetables as a filler ingredient, perfect for sipping straight, or as a base for healthy recipes * No garlic or onion added, ideal for people with IBS or those on a low FODMAP diet * No preservatives. No additives. No gluten Made the authentic way with no vegetables, bone broth is a pretty magical elixir that is — rich in amino acids such as proline and glycine, rich in essential fats and minerals, high in protein, anti-inflammatory, immune boosting for better gut health. Making broths require slow simmering of the bones with specially selected vegetables and herbs for at least 10 hours, and then reduce the liquid. The result is a stock with a remarkable purity and depth of flavour. Use generously in risottos, stews, soups and more. Ingredients: Water, free range whole chicken and bones, onions, carrots, celery, rosemarinic acid (natural antioxidant), bay leaves Provenance of chicken bones: Certified free range chicken from Victorian farms
