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♻️美國 有機草飼牛酥油 U.S. Organic Valley Grass milk Clarified Butter Ghee
重量 Weight
每樽212g / 368g * 超高煙點250°C,適合各種烹飪方式,包括油炸 * 像使用其他油或牛油一樣。非常適合炒、烤或烘烤 * 雖然來自牛奶,但不含乳糖和乳蛋白 * 味道帶堅果香味,但不帶牛油的羶味 * 無需冷藏!只需放陰涼地方 * 無論您是遵從古法飲食、生酮飲食、Whole30®三十天飲食療法,酥油也是適合之選 牛酥油嘗起來就是除去羶味同清純冇雜質的感覺,且帶有輕微烤焗過的果仁味。由於去除了當中的乳固體,牛酥油沒有普通牛油的油膩感,煙點也變得很高(即脂肪揮發並開始冒煙的溫度)它的煙點為 485°F (250°C),大大高於普通牛油的 350°F (175°C) Organic Valley 牛酥油是值得推薦的,因為它來自有機牧場純草飼養的牛,絕不含抗生素、激素、有毒殺蟲劑或基因改造成分。Organic Valley Ghee 最開頭含80-84% 乳脂,被慢慢燉煮後排走多餘的水,剩下是所有的營養和100%乳脂。過程中,部份乳固體會焦糖化,留下一絲甜味和烤焗果仁味,而且不含乳糖、乳蛋白,性質穩定。如果您對乳製品有敏感又想攝取草飼牛油的營養,你可考慮試用牛酥油。不過若你對乳製品有嚴重敏感,還是最好先諮詢醫生的意見。 牛酥油近年成為一種熱門產品,但實際上牛酥油已被印度人幾千年來一直採用,印度人一直用牛酥油做飯、煮菜。它甚至出現於古印度醫療法當中,他們的古療法起源於3000多年前,至今仍在使用! 牛酥油是維他命、抗氧化劑和健康脂肪的豐富來源。雖然脂肪應該適量食用,但研究表明,食用牛酥油等高脂肪食物可以幫助身體吸收一些必需的維他命和礦物質。用酥油烹飪健康的食物和蔬菜可以幫助你吸收更多的營養。 ❤️ 食用牛酥油對身體有什麼主要益處 * 抗炎:含有丁酸鹽,一種具有抗炎特性的脂肪酸 * 抗氧化維他命E 的極好來源:降低患癌、關節炎、白內障,患心臟病的風險 * 支持心臟健康:含高濃度的單元不飽和脂肪 Omega-3,能降低壞膽固醇水平 * 乳糖產品的健康代替品:由於去除了乳固體,牛酥油只含有極微量的乳糖和乳蛋白,是乳糖不耐症或對乳製品過敏人士的良好脂肪來源 成份: 有機認證牛油 存放於陰涼、乾燥地方,以保持最佳狀態 * High smoke point 250°c, suitable for all kinds of cooking including deep frying * Use it just like you would use any oil or butter in any dish. It works great for sauteing, roasting or baking * It comes from butter, but it’s lactose-free and casein-free * It tastes like nutty, buttery magic * No refrigeration required! * Whether you’re paleo, keto, or Whole30®, so is ghee Ghee tastes like a cleaner, richer, more decadent version of butter itself – but with a slightly roasted, nutty background note. Because the milk solids have been removed, ghee does not have the creamy mouthfeel of butter. Ghee has a high smoke point, which is the temperature at which fats become volatile and begin to smoke. Its smoke point is 485°F (250°C), which is substantially higher than butter's smoke point of 350°F (175°C). Organic Valley ghee is solid gold because it comes from organic, pasture-raised cows, with absolutely no antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMO anything. So all you get is pure, organic gheeliciousness. Ghee is clarified butter, it's pure butterfat. Organic Valley Ghee starts off as organic, pasture-raised butter with 80% to 84% butterfat. Butter is slowly simmered to coax out all the excess water. What's left behind is all the nutrients and 100% butterfat. In the process, some of the Ghee’s milk solids will caramelize, leaving behind hints of sweetness and roasted nuts. Ghee is a lactose-free, casein-free, and shelf-stable product. So if you have dairy sensitivities, you may be able to get dairy nutrition from ghee, but always good to check out with your doctor. It’s becoming a hot product now, but ghee is actually ancient. The Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of ghee. People there have been cooking with ghee for thousands of years. It even has roots in Ayurvedic practices, which originated over 3,000 years ago and are still in use today. Ghee is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats. While fat should be consumed in moderation, studies show that eating fatty foods such as ghee can help the body absorb some essential vitamins and minerals. Cooking healthy foods and vegetables with ghee may help you absorb more nutrients. ❤️ Health Benefits of Ghee: * Anti-Inflammatory Effects - contain butyrate, a fatty acid that has known anti-inflammatory properties * Excellent source of antioxidant Vitamin E - linked to lowering the risk of cancer, arthritis, cataracts, reducing the risk of heart disease * Support Heart Health - contains high concentration of monounsaturated Omega-3s, supporting a healthy heart and cardiovascular system by reducing unhealthy cholesterol levels * Healthy Alternative for Lactose Products Because of milk solids being removed, ghee contains only trace amounts of lactose and casein, therefore it is a good source of fat for people who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies Ingredients: Certified Organic Butter (Milk) Store in a cool, dry, dark place for optimal flavor. Keep capped when not in use.