❄️西班牙 橡果黑毛豬豬肋眼 Spain Iberico Pork Pluma

大小重量 Weight



$390/kg 每包1條約250-300g per pack of 1 $520/kg 每包1條約400-450g per pack of 1 * 豬肋眼這個部位油脂非常幼細,入口不覺肥膩而且特別腍滑 * 橡果黑毛豬脂肪屬於健康的動物脂肪,但脂肪含量比例較其他豬肉高,如介意請考慮清楚才購買 Pluma 是取自肩部和脊部中間的那塊三角形片狀肉,因形狀和大小與羽毛相似而稱為 Pluma,是豬中最嫩及最好的部位,肥瘦似頂級和牛,故此被稱為豬肉中的和牛,柔軟而口感非常嫩,味香濃。適合燒烤,煎,炒菜,經常用來做叉燒。 有橡果吃的伊比利亞豬被稱為行走中的橄欖樹,橡果油使其肉味脫穎而出,最接近的描述是橄欖油混合果仁味。黑毛豬肉質很軟,脂肪部份質地柔滑,脂肪含量較高,然而高脂肪並不等於不健康。事實上,由於黑毛豬的健康飲食,豬肉中的脂肪含單元不飽和油酸,有助於身體對抗壞膽固醇,對心臟有好處。它還含有抗氧化物和酪氨酸,由於有抗衰老的功能,有助於保持良好的血管狀態,和細胞再生能力。另外,還含豐富維他命A、E和鐵。 📌此產品之網上價錢是根據平均重量計算,最後單價需按實際重量計算(通常+/-5至10%) * Iberian pig fat is considered to be healthy animal fat, however please consider the fat content is higher than other kinds of pork Pluma is a rather special cut taken from the neck end of pork loin. In Spanish it translates the 'feather' cut - due in part to the wing-like shape. Iberian pigs are often referred to as olives on legs. The acorns provide a nuttiness that makes it stand out from other foods. The best way to describe it is a taste similar to olive oil mixed with a nutty taste. The meat is soft, the fatty parts are considered to have a velvety texture that easily melts in the mouth due to its high-fat content. The high amount of fat doesn't however equal unhealthy meat. In fact, due to their diet, the fat marbled into the pork is monounsaturated oleic acid, which helps your body fight bad cholesterol and is good for your heart. It also contains antioxidants and tyrosine which help with anti-aging due to a better condition of blood vessels and regenerating cells. It is also high in vitamin A, vitamin E, and iron. 📌 This is a pay-by-weight item. Listed price is based on average weight of the product, final amount will be based on actual weight (usually within +/-5 to 10%)
