❄️馬來西亞 和南黑刺榴槤冰皮月餅 Malaysia Hernan Black Thorn Durian Smowy Mooncakes



每盒四個 60g x 4 per box * 不含防腐劑、人工原料 * 2024早鳥預訂價至8月14日 * 9月2-16日出貨 「和南」採用馬來西亞頂級香濃的黑刺榴槤,濃厚順滑的質地,帶有獨特的葡萄酒般的香氣,隱約的苦澀且帶有淡淡的酒味回甘。100%純黑刺榴槤餡肉,馬來西亞製造。 📌 此商品需要冷藏 * Made with no preservatives and artificial ingredients * 2024 early bird price applies before 14/8/2024 * Delivery between 2nd-16th September Rich custard texture and creamy filling made with pure Black Thorn. Black thorn had a unique wine-like aroma, subtly bitter with a faint wine aftertaste. 📌 Must be kept frozen
