💧台灣 蘋果白苦瓜 Taiwan White Apple Bittermelon Gourd



$100/kg 每個約350g each 白苦瓜因其顛簸、疣狀的長方形很容易識別,看起來像一個畸形的白色黃瓜,肉則是具有海綿狀的種子腔。與任何其他瓜不同,苦瓜不需要剝皮。 苦瓜含豐富鐵質、β胡蘿蔔素、鈣,並含大量維他命C和B。苦瓜幾乎全個都被藥用,據說對肝臟有好處,醫學證明它含有類似胰島素的化合物polypeptide-p多胜肽p(又被稱為植物性胰島素),能降低血糖。苦瓜又含有抗病毒蛋白,具有抗腫瘤特性,也會用於治療感冒、咳嗽和發燒。 White Bitter melon is easily recognized by its bumpy, warty oblong-shaped skin, giving the initial appearance of a malformed white cucumber. Even its flesh can be misleading, bearing a spongy seed cavity looking more similar to that of a cucumber than of a melon. And unlike any other melons, Bitter melons do not require peeling. The fruit's flesh is pale green to white in color and contains layers of flat white seeds which will turn red as the fruit matures. The bitterness in the melon is about the only flavor that the melon delivers. This bitterness is not a uniform bitterness and can range from fruit to fruit. Generally, the younger the fruit, the more bitter. Large, riper fruit will be more mellow and the flesh will become spongy. Bitter melon is rich in iron, beta carotene, calcium and contains substantial levels of vitamins C and B. Virtually everywhere that the Bitter melon grows, it is used medicinally. It is believed to be good for the liver and has been proven medically to contain an insulin-like compound, polypeptide P and to lower blood sugar levels. Bitter melon contains antiviral proteins, has anti-tumor properties and is used to treat colds, coughs and fevers.
